Stahl-Eisen-Blätter, edited by Stahlinstitut VDEh, comprise of test specifications (SEP), material specifications (SEW), conditions of delivery (SEL), Einsatzlisten (SEE) and Betriebsblätter (SEB). These technical guidelines are being developed in the frame of collaborative work with steel users in technical and scientific committees. Stahl-Eisen-Blätter are state-of-the-art, similar to international standards. They apply for unification of test methods and define properties of steels, based on broad industrial experience and statistical assessments.
Where can you buy Stahl-Eisen-Blätter?
All valid Stahl-Eisen-Blätter can be obtained from the Matplus Shop or DIN Media.
For historical documents and posters, please contact directly
Stahl-Eisen-Blätter in processing
License fee for the use of the steel-iron rulebook
If you would like to use the Steel-Iron Rulebook in an internal company network, you will find the necessary order form here:
You have the option of either signing electronically OR printing it out as usual, signing it by hand, scanning it and sending it to us.
Please note that for the "electronic signature" function, the form must be downloaded and saved locally in order to sign digitally.
Your contact person

Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Steller
Manager Standardization
Stahlinstitut VDEh
Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 0211 6707-425