Stahlinstitut VDEh – 09.03.2025

Recently published sheets

SEP 1220-1 new

This first part of the series of SEP 1220 specifications contains general requirements. It is meant as a basis for unified material characterization and shall standardize the exchange of data between the materials suppliers and customers.

Described are the characterization of the base materials, location of sampling, general test conditions, including recommendations for cyclic testing. The data format for data exchange of tests (data header) is explained in detail.

SEP 1220-2 new

The test methods specified in this Stahl-Eisen test specification (SEP) describe the procedure to determine the suitability of automotive steel sheets for joining via the process of resistance spot welding.

Described are testing scope and conditions, determination of quality limits, destructive and non-destructive testing, and documentation of results. Example diagrams are given for testing and evaluation of results.

SEP 1220-6 (1. Ausgabe, 07.2024) new

The test methods specified in this steel-iron test sheet (SEP) are used to determine the suitability of steel sheet for the adhesive joining process (process DIN EN ISO 4063) based on the testing with structural adhesives and relining adhesives.

SEP 1245 new

In the framework of collaborative work between automotive and steel industries, for the introduction of newly developed steel grades into serial application in automotive production, phases of the material approval process were defined.

A material approval process shall be used to specify the necessary steps for qualification of new grades of thin steel sheets through to readiness for use in series (volume) production. In order to evaluate new steel grades regarding their fitness for use in automotive series production, a test matrix is provided for supplying a broad data base. The results of testing are necessary requirements for the approval of a steel grade by the customer (OEM).

SEP 1680 new

A CCT diagram makes statements about the development of the microstructure of a steel during processing or heat treatment. This Stahl-Eisen test specification (SEP) contains guidelines for drawing such diagrams. The different types of diagrams are described. Specified are specimen selection and preparation, test methods and interpretation of test results. An Annex provides different example diagrams.

Compared to the 3rd edition the following significant changes are executed: This SEP is available with English translation for the first time. Attention was paid to a clear presentation, e.g. for formation.

SEP 1680 can be ordered from Matplus Shop or by DIN MEDIA.

SEP 1681 new

Dilatometric testing allows to trace the phase transformations in ferrous alloys. This Stahl-Eisen test specification (SEP) contains guidelines for the preparation, execution and evaluation of dilatometric tests for ferrous alloys.

Described are taking of samples, the fabrication of dilatometer specimens and the welding of thermoelements. Indications for the executions contain the mounting of specimens, furnace atmosphere, deformation of the specimens and data recording, as well as regular checks of the equipment. The evaluation of results and the documentation is demonstrated with figures.

Compared to the 2nd edition the following significant changes are executed: The contents were adapted and written more precisely. Attention was paid to a clear presentation, e.g. for formation.

SEW 550 new

SEW 550 covers steels predominantly used for mechanical engineering purposes, which are used to produce larger open die forged components in the quenched and tempered or normalised condition. (SEW 555 applies for energy technology).

The first edition of SEW 550 was published 1951, followed by editions 1957 and 1976. Afterwards, ISO 683-2 and EN 10250 were developed which have different steel grades and material properties compared to SEW 550. The wall thickness range is between 160 and 750 (1000) mm.

SEW 550 specifies the chemical composition, sampling, mechanical properties (in sample locations L, T and Q) as well as testing and documentation. Annex A provides formulae to calculate the relevant heat treatment diameter. New in SEW 550 is the hardenability criterion. Compared to the 3rd edition 1976, 7 steel grades were added and 2 removed. This SEW is available for the first time in English translation.