The 13th International Tooling Conference will be a continuation of a long established philosophy of providing a forum for practicing engineers and researchers to exchange their ideas and experiences in all aspects in the field of tooling. As weil as giving practitioners an opportunity to keep up-to-date in the latest developments in production and application of tooling materials, the conference will also provide an excellent forum for researchers to present the!r work and enhance it’s transformation to industrial application. The upcoming 13th lnternational Tooling Conference will be dedicated to sustainability in the field of tooling.
It has already been 30 years since the 1st European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference. Since then, significant achievements have been reached in steelmaking from a scientific and industrial perspective, environmental aspects and clean steel technologies gaining tremendous importance and attention. We actively participated in this exciting and intense journey in the last years. Therefore, it is a pleasure to jointly host EOSC 2025 and CTSI 2025, combining important hot topics of today’s iron and steel community.
Considering the current dynamics in the transformation of the European steel industry and all the different aspects and milestones to reach the goal of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, joint efforts are inevitable. The two conferences are an excellent combination in these challenging surroundings, giving a platform to discuss and exchange on developments in the field of oxygen steelmaking, the future role of converter technologies in the environment of increased share of direct reduction processes and EAF investments and of course CO2 mitigation and other environmental and energy aspects in iron and steelmaking.
Following the success of both conferences in Aachen in 2022, we cordially invite you to join the 10th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference and the 7th Conference on Clean Technologies in the Steel Industry from May 20-22, 2025 in Vienna, the beautiful capital city of Austria!
The International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking provides a forum for academic and industrial researchers to present their work on topics in process metallurgy, particularly those related to steel production, refining and casting. This meeting is aimed at creating an opportunity for a technical exchange at an international level among the numerous experts involved in steelmaking.
• Abstract Submission Due November 30, 2024
• Abstract Acceptance Notification January 31, 2025
• Registration Open January 1, 2025
• Early Registration Due March 31, 2025
• Preliminary Program Announcement April 1, 2025
• Final Program Announcement May 1, 2025
2nd - 5th July 2025
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seoul, Korea
Representing more than 20 percent of the industrial CO2 emissions, the steel value chain provides a powerful lever to substantially contribute to the green deal of the European Union eliminating the net CO2 emissions by 2050. The excellent recyclability of steel products may allow to close the value chain without downcycling the products, provided that metallurgy, steel grades and sorting strategies will be adapted accordingly. Beside closing the cycle, advanced steel technology contributes to the circular economy dimensions narrowing and slowing by increasing the material efficiency through, for example, light-weighting, and by increasing the longevity of steel products by, among others, improving fatigue strength in combination with novel structural integrity strategies, respectively.
The workshop addresses the entire value chain of modern steel products including the challenges of the transformation to hydrogen-based direct reduction. Topics include:
- Carbon-neutral steel metallurgy,
- High strength steels for lightweight design,
- Materials for electric vehicles,
- Towards a digital twin of steel processing and application,
- Impurities and other challenges from new process routes,
- Testing and service life assessment for complex loading conditions,
- Circular economy and socio-economic aspects.
ESTAD will take place for the seventh time after Paris 2014, Düsseldorf 2015, Vienna 2017, Düsseldorf 2019, Stockholm 2021 and Düsseldorf 2023.
ESTAD 2025 will be hosted by AIM, the Italian Association for Metallurgy, in Verona – Italy on 6-9 October 2025.
The knowledge and the development of the new ideas enhance progress. With the 7th European Steel Technology and Application Days 2025 (7th ESTAD 2025) AIM offers attendants and visitors
the opportunity to meet, exchange their ideas, perform fruitful discussion and create new professional relationships involving technology providers, suppliers, producers and customers.
The meeting will be focused on the technological advances, changes of the supply chain involving the raw materials and energy sources, transformation of the production processes and plants to accomplish the twin transition (ecological and digital) and the new perspective of steel applications.
The new date for the Bright World of Metals in Düsseldorf has been set! From June 21 to 25, 2027, GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST will present the latest developments in the industry. World's leading trade fair quartet 2027 in Düsseldorf.