Obituary Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schwerdtfeger
Prof. Schwerdtfeger was born in Rostock in 1934, graduated from Oberschule Osterode in 1954 and studied metallurgy at the former Bergakademie Clausthal from 1954 to 1959. He then became a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf and obtained his doctorate in engineering in 1962. This was followed by around five years of scientific work in the USA, mainly at the US Steel Research Center in Monroeville, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and then his industrial activities at the Mannesmann Research Institute in Duisburg. From 1971, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research as Head of the Metallurgy Department and was appointed to the Board of Directors.
In 1980, he accepted an appointment to the Technical University of Clausthal and took up the Chair of General Metallurgy. He retired in 1998 without giving up his love of research, as evidenced by his numerous subsequent publications. Prof. Schwerdtfeger made significant contributions in various areas of metallurgy, particularly in slag chemistry, chemical thermodynamics, process engineering, casting and solidification, especially in continuous casting and the development of horizontal strip casting.
His impressive scientific career is documented in more than 220 scientific publications in renowned journals and the publication of a standard work "Metallurgy of Continuous Casting". They reflect the high level of his research and his tireless commitment to scientific progress. His research results have influenced and inspired science and industry worldwide, not only on a theoretical basis, but often also through their practical applicability.
As a driving force for industrial practice, Prof. Schwerdtfeger has played a pioneering role in numerous joint projects of the VDEh Steel Institute in the field of research and development and has chaired various working groups.
Prof. Schwerdtfeger has been recognized worldwide for his outstanding contributions and commitment. His honors include being named Honorary Member of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (1997), Distinguished Member and Fellow of the Iron & Steel Society (2003), USA, as well as being awarded the Carl-Lueg-Gedenkmünze (2006), the highest award of the VDEh Steel Institute.
Prof. Schwerdtfeger also demonstrated a passionate commitment to professional development: as a seminar leader and speaker at the VDEh Steel Academy, he gave numerous lectures at various metallurgical events until 2017, in particular at seminars on continuous casting.
Prof. Schwerdtfeger was valued and respected by colleagues and students alike, not only for his academic achievements, but also for his expertise and support. His lectures and seminars have inspired and influenced many generations of metallurgists. His dedication to research and teaching was exemplary, even after his retirement.
We will always honor his memory. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
Institute of Metallurgy at Clausthal University of Technology and VDEh Steel Institute