Stahlinstitut VDEh – 11.10.2024

Programme and Registration

Programme and Registration


Long Product Quality Optimisation through Enhancement and Utilisation of Residual Stress minimising Process Strategies

Seminar with TEAMS meeting

Oct 30th, 2024 – Oct 30th, 2024seminar in english

During rolling, straightening and thermal processing of long products internal stresses arise impairing the products materi-al properties and causing material distortion due to stress relief mechanisms. The characteristics of those effects are still associated with a high degree of uncertainty. The seminar gives an overview of the research work done and the resultant proposed solutions that can be implemented with limited ef-forts in terms of residual stress minimising process strategies to increase the economic efficiency and the future perspective to achieve better product quality in hot rolling of long products.

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Hydrogen-based transformation of the steel industry

NH Düsseldorf City North

Nov 5th, 2024 – Nov 7th, 2024seminar in english

▪ Ways to CO2 neutral steel production
▪ Iron ores for (hydrogen-based) direct reduction
▪ Technologies of current direct reduction concepts
▪ Reduction technologies of iron ore fines with hydrogen
▪ Green ironmaking with hydrogen and ammonia
▪ Hydrogen as a challenging atmosphere for refractories
▪ Electric arc furnace technology - AC and DC
▪ Technology of the OBF (Smelter)
▪ Melting of DRI and HBI in the EAF
▪ Future importance of steel scrap
▪ Project SALCOS: Steelmaking route DR - EAF
▪ Project tkH2Steel: Steelmaking route DR - OBF - Converter
▪ Slags of CO2 neutral steel production
▪ Hydrogen production, transport and storage – case study Germany
▪ Green power production and availability
▪ Decarbonisation of downstream processes – H2 burner

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Process water treatment and concentrate handling in steel plants

Onsite workshop on industrial water management in Düsseldorf

Dec 12th, 2024 – Dec 12th, 2024seminar in english

Water is a mandatory medium in iron and steel production for cool-ing applications, material treatment and gas washing processes. Due to climate change, water stress increases and limits the avail-ability of water and change the water composition. This requires innovative approaches, to open up new water sources as blow down and cooling water in combination with an optimisation of the water management by simulations and forecast tools.
The workshop gives an overview on the latest developments for Process water and concentrate handling by opening new water sources as waste waters in iron and steel industry. Innovative re-search institutes, plant manufactures and companies from metal and steel production industry will give an insight into their latest approaches.

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Electrical Engineering of Arc Furnaces - Power unit for CO2 neutrality

NH Hotel Düsseldorf City North

Feb 18th, 2025 – Feb 20th, 2025seminar in english

- Importance of the EAF in hydrogen concepts
- Physics of AC and DC arcs
- Design of the AC high-current system
- Equivalent circuit diagram of AC-EAF/OBF/SAF
- Short circuit and operating reactance
- Design of the AC high-current system
- Power supply of EAF and requirements for the supply network
- Excursus: New energy supply concepts for the EAF
- Furnace Transformers
- Circle and furnace power diagram of AC-EAF
- Electrical Layout of AC Furnaces
- Melting of DRI and HBI in the EAF
- Design and electrical system of the OBF/SAF
- Comparison of CO2 neutral routes: DR - EAF versus DR - OBF - Converter
- Closed loop power control of AC-furnaces
- Electric principles of DC-furnaces
- Energy Balance of the Electric Arc Furnace
- Comparism EAF-OBF/Smelter

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Refractory Technology - Refractory Materials And Slags in Metallurgy

NH Düsseldorf City

Apr 28th, 2025 – Apr 30th, 2025seminar in english

• Basics on chemical and mineralogical composition of refractory material and slag
• Testing and evaluation of refractory materials
• Synthetic alumina raw material and high alumina cement
• Insulating materials for the steel industry
• The world of monolithics
• Machines for processing and delivering refractory con-cretes and sprayable refractories
• Basic bricks for the steel industry
• Production and Use of Blast Furnace Slags and Steel Slags
• Blast furnace slag and refractory material
• Converter slag and refractory material in the oxygen blowing process
• Electric arc furnace: Unit for low-CO2 steel production
• Ladle slag and refractory material in secondary metallur-gy
• Limestone minerals, lime and dolime and their use in the Iron and Steelmaking

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