Stahlinstitut VDEh – 06.11.2024

Process water treatment and concentrate handling in steel plants

12.12.2024 – 12.12.2024seminar in english

The meeting  takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CEST (Berlin Time)


Water is a mandatory medium in iron and steel production for cool-ing applications, material treatment and gas washing processes. Due to climate change, water stress increases and limits the avail-ability of water and change the water composition. This requires innovative approaches, to open up new water sources as blow down and cooling water in combination with an optimisation of the water management by simulations and forecast tools.
The workshop gives an overview on the latest developments for Process water and concentrate handling by opening new water sources as waste waters in iron and steel industry. Innovative re-search institutes, plant manufactures and companies from metal and steel production industry will give an insight into their latest approaches.


The workshop is organised as an activity within EU and German government funded R&D projects. The aims of these projects are to develop and demonstrate technologies and tools under indus-trial environment for recovery of water, handling of concentrates and optimized water use.
By this scientific event, the steel industry and its related sectors will be informed about the R&D activities and practical results.

Who should participate

• Operating staff / engineers from steel plants
• Staff from innovation departments or production optimization
• Technical purchasing agents in the steel and related industry
• Plant manufacturers for the steel and related industry
• Supplying industry for water reuse technologies

Registration fee

Registration fee: 70 €* / 100 € including lunch and beverages

* for staff of the IndiWater, WEISS4PN and KonzentratBiozid projects or employ-ees of member companies and individual members of the Steel Institute VDEh

A cancellation from the seminar is possible until two weeks prior to the start. Then, 25 % of the seminar fee must be paid. The total registration amount will be charged for no show or cancellation from the first day of the event.

Registration / Organisation

Steel Academy / Steel Institute VDEh
Mr Peter Schmieding
Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel +49 211 6707-458 / /


The workhop is organized as an activity within the projects IndiWater - “Independent industrial water supply by digitalization, sim-ulation and innovative treatment technologies”, WEISS4PN - Integrative application of innovations and digital cooling performance management to reduce water consumption in steel production, and Konzentrat-Biozid – “Closing of cooling water cycles through innovative desalination and biocide production from the resulting concentrates”.The projects are funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), Federal Ministry of Education and Re-search and German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Cli-mate Action.
In the projects involved companies, universities and institutes:
• VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, Germany
• thyssenkrupp Rasselstein GmbH, Germany
• ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany
• Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann, Germany
• CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH, Germany
• Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology, Luxembourg
• SMS group GmbH, Germany
• Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
• Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
• WEHRLE Umwelt GmbH, Germany
• aixprocess GmbH, Germany

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Peter Schmieding

Peter Schmieding

Leiter Stahl-Akademie

Stahlinstitut VDEh
Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf

Telefon: +49 211 6707-478